U3A Pine Rivers, is a not-for-profit organisation, funded totally from the membership fees and class levy fees. All the tutors, committee members, and support staff are volunteers. We are one of five U3A's in the City of Moreton Bay area (CoMB).
Membership fees are due by December 31 each year.
You must pay your renewal fee before attending classes or activities in the next year.
There are a number of ways you can renew your membership:
Membership Renewal Fees - January to December:
Cash and credit cards payments are accepted in person at U3A Pine Rivers Centre at 1480 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur:
9.00 am - 12 noon - Monday to Friday.
Direct EFT payments into the U3A bank account may be made through your online banking site. Every activity for which payment can be made has been given an EFT payment code. The Term Newsletter has list of payment codes . If a Coach Trip or Theatre Outing has an activity in the Monthly Update, the payment codes will be given for those activities.
To ensure the process operates well, the following procedures will need to be followed.
In the Reference box, the following information is required:
SURNAME (and first name or initial if it fits)
U3A Pine Rivers banking details are:
Account Name: U3A Pine Rivers Inc.
Bank: Heritage
BSB: 638-070
Account No: 11284854
In addition to the above, an email MUST be sent to: treasurer@u3apinerivers.org.au
If a number of payments have been made, they can all be included in the same email.
Please make EFT payments at least two days before the deadline.
The Member Portal can be accessed on any internet connected device, but is especially useful for mobile phones or tablets as it allows a member to access their member record, and if necessary prove their membership. Members can update their address, email or contact details if these change at any time. They can also see a full list of upcoming events and current classes. When membership renewals for the coming year are open, members can renew quickly and easily through the Member Portal.
If the system is unable to verify your email address please check:
The Home screen will show you your Membership status including any outstanding amounts.
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